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BindingDB is a public, web-accessible database of measured binding affinities, focusing chiefly on the interactions of protein considered to be drug-targets with small, drug-like molecules. BindingDB contains 2,849,661 binding data, for 9,212 protein targets and 1,227,667 small molecules.

There are 2291 protein-ligand crystal structures with BindingDB affinity measurements for proteins with 100% sequence identity, and 5816 crystal structures allowing proteins to 85% sequence identity.

Simple Search
Article Titles, Authors, Assays, Compound Names, Target Names

Use ? for single-letter wild-card or * for general wild-card.
For example, "adeny*" or "adeny?". Query cannot start with wild card.
Advanced Search Combine multiple search criteria, such as chemical structures, target names, and numerical affinities; restrict searches by data source, such as BindingDB, ChEMBL, PubChem, and Patents.
  1. We plan to post the latest BindingDB user survey on or about October 5. We would greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions! Note, however, that you are always free to click through the survey to the regular home-page. (September 2015)
  2. All compounds in BindingDB have now been assigned a BindingDB Molecule ID, such as BDBM50183711. (The numeric component is also known, internally, as a Monomer ID.) (September 2015)
  3. We plan to switch BindingDB to a faster server within the coming week. Hopefully, this will not lead to any glitches. Please email us if you notice any problems. (September 2015)
Journal Curation
by BindingDB
BindingDB continually curates a set of journals not covered by other public databases. As of October 2014, the status of our current curation effort is as follows:
  1. ACS Chemical Biology 2006-2014 (vol 1-9) magnifying glass
  2. ACS BioChemistry 1962-1970 (vol 1-9), 1991-2013 (vol 30-52) magnifying glass
  3. Bioorganic Chemistry 1971-2014 (vol 1-57) magnifying glass
  4. BMC Chemical Biology 2001-2012 (vol 1-12) magnifying glass
  5. ChemBioChem 2000-2014 (vol 1-15) magnifying glass
  6. Chemical Biology & Drug Design 2006-2014 (vol 67-81) magnifying glass
  7. Chemistry & Biology 1994-2014 (vol 1-20) magnifying glass
  8. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1988-2013 (vol 264-288) magnifying glass
  9. Journal of Chemical Biology 2008-2013 (vol 1-6) magnifying glass
  10. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 1997-2009 (vol 11-24) magnifying glass
  11. Nature Chemical Biology 2005-2013 (vol 1-9) magnifying glass
  12. Medicinal Chemistry Research 2004-2010 (vol 13-19) magnifying glass
Username Password
logout Username is your registered email in BindingDB.register
Video Tutorials
  1. Get all data from an article
  2. Download all data for a target of interest
  3. Find and view all data for a target of interest
  4. Find my compound's targets
Related Meetings from BindingDB Partners
BindingDB Right Pane
BindingDB News

July 2015. Please try our new tool to map from one or more proteins of known sequence to known or potential ligands: Find Compounds for My Targets.

April 2015. BindingDB has improved security. We now use SSL to transmit passwords securely, and forgotten passwords are now handled with a reset link.

March 2015. The BindingDB results tables now provide links from protein targets to antibodies in Antibodypedia, and from ligands to UniChem.

February 2015. Full Search has been replaced by Simple Search, with a greatly improved display format, and the ability to quickly find data pertaining to UniProt IDs and PDB IDs.

February 2015. New Important Compounds pages have been added to facilitate browsing for data on drugs, experimental compounds and other known bioactives.

February 2015. InChi strings have been added to BindingDB's downloadable tab-delimited files.

January 2015. InChi strings are now available for each compound in the Primary Search results pages. You may need to refresh the page to make this work.

September 2014. BindingDB's response time has been greatly improved. We hope you enjoy the speedup!

January 2014. We are pleased to announce BindingDB's new Advanced Search tool, which may be accessed with the link shown above. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions!