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13 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
A new class of pseudopeptide antagonists of the kinin B1 receptor containing alkyl spacers.EBI
Institute of Mutagenesis and Differentiation
Quinolinyl- and phenantridinyl-acetamides as bradykinin B1 receptor antagonists.EBI
Gedeon Richter
Alpha-hydroxy amides as a novel class of bradykinin B1 selective antagonists.EBI
Merck Research Laboratories
Benzodiazepines as potent and selective bradykinin B1 antagonists.EBI
Merck Research Laboratories
Bradykinin B1 receptor antagonists as potential therapeutic agents for pain.EBI
Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Synthesis and biological activity of new bradykinin pseudopeptide B1 receptor agonists containing alkylic spacersEBI
1-Benzylbenzimidazoles: the discovery of a novel series of bradykinin B(1) receptor antagonists.EBI
Potent nonpeptide antagonists of the bradykinin B1 receptor: structure-activity relationship studies with novel diaminochroman carboxamides.EBI
Identification of a nonpeptidic and conformationally restricted bradykinin B1 receptor antagonist with anti-inflammatory activity.EBI
Development of orally bioavailable and CNS penetrant biphenylaminocyclopropane carboxamide bradykinin B1 receptor antagonists.EBI
Merck Research Laboratories
2,3-diaminopyridine bradykinin B1 receptor antagonists.EBI
Merck Research Laboratories
Development of an efficient and selective radioligand for bradykinin B1 receptor occupancy studies.EBI
Merck Research Laboratories
GR113808: a novel, selective antagonist with high affinity at the 5-HT4 receptor.BDB
Glaxo Group Research