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10 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Rapid, Structure-Based Exploration of Pipecolic Acid Amides as Novel Selective Antagonists of the FK506-Binding Protein 51.EBI
Max Planck Institute Of Psychiatry
Structure-Affinity Relationship Analysis of Selective FKBP51 Ligands.EBI
Max Planck Institute Of Psychiatry
Increasing the efficiency of ligands for FK506-binding protein 51 by conformational control.EBI
Max Institute Of Psychiatry
Evaluation of synthetic FK506 analogues as ligands for the FK506-binding proteins 51 and 52.EBI
Max Planck Institute Of Psychiatry
Exploration of pipecolate sulfonamides as binders of the FK506-binding proteins 51 and 52.EBI
Max Planck Institute Of Psychiatry
Structure-Based Design of High-Affinity Macrocyclic FKBP51 Inhibitors.EBI
Technical University Darmstadt
Hybrid Screening Approach for Very Small Fragments: X-ray and Computational Screening on FKBP51.EBI
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma
A Novel Decalin-Based Bicyclic Scaffold for FKBP51-Selective Ligands.EBI
Max Planck Institute Of Psychiatry
Chemogenomic Profiling of Human and Microbial FK506-Binding Proteins.EBI
Max Planck Institute Of Psychiatry