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TargetMitogen-activated protein kinase 1(Human)
Otsuka Pharmaceutical

US Patent
LigandPNGBDBM418144((2R)-2-(6-{5-chloro-2-[(1H-pyrazol-4- yl)amino]pyr...)
Affinity DataIC50:  1.80nMAssay Description:Activity of ERK2 enzyme (Life Technologies) was determined using a time-resolved fluorescence format measuring the phosphorylation of a truncated ver...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Ligand InfoPC cidPC sid
In DepthDetails US Patent

TargetMitogen-activated protein kinase 1(Human)
Otsuka Pharmaceutical

US Patent
LigandPNGBDBM418144((2R)-2-(6-{5-chloro-2-[(1H-pyrazol-4- yl)amino]pyr...)
Affinity DataIC50:  1.80nMAssay Description:Activity of ERK2 enzyme (Life Technologies) was determined using a time-resolved fluorescence format measuring the phosphorylation of a truncated ver...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Ligand InfoPC cidPC sid
In DepthDetails US Patent