BDBM212439 N-palmitoylglycine (NPG)



Data  4 Kd

PDB links: 8 PDB IDs match this monomer.

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Found 4 hits for monomerid = 212439   

TargetBifunctional cytochrome P450/NADPH--P450 reductase(Bacillus megaterium)
University of Manchester

LigandPNGBDBM212439(N-palmitoylglycine (NPG))
Affinity DataKd:  82nMpH: 7.0Assay Description:Dissociation constants (Kd values) for binding of the substrates N-palmitoylglycine (NPG) and omeprazole (OMP) to WT and mutant BM3 heme domains were...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
TargetBifunctional cytochrome P450/NADPH--P450 reductase [A82F,F87V](Bacillus megaterium)
University of Manchester

LigandPNGBDBM212439(N-palmitoylglycine (NPG))
Affinity DataKd:  4nMpH: 7.0Assay Description:Dissociation constants (Kd values) for binding of the substrates N-palmitoylglycine (NPG) and omeprazole (OMP) to WT and mutant BM3 heme domains were...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
TargetBifunctional cytochrome P450/NADPH--P450 reductase [F87V](Bacillus megaterium)
University of Manchester

LigandPNGBDBM212439(N-palmitoylglycine (NPG))
Affinity DataKd:  204nMpH: 7.0Assay Description:Dissociation constants (Kd values) for binding of the substrates N-palmitoylglycine (NPG) and omeprazole (OMP) to WT and mutant BM3 heme domains were...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
TargetBifunctional cytochrome P450/NADPH--P450 reductase [A82F](Bacillus megaterium)
University of Manchester

LigandPNGBDBM212439(N-palmitoylglycine (NPG))
Affinity DataKd:  297nMpH: 7.0Assay Description:Dissociation constants (Kd values) for binding of the substrates N-palmitoylglycine (NPG) and omeprazole (OMP) to WT and mutant BM3 heme domains were...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair