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  • 1GSE: glutathione transferase a1-1 complexed with an ethacrynic acid glutathione conjugate (mutant r15k) (10.1016/S0969-2126(01)00206-4 )
  • 1GSF: glutathione transferase a1-1 complexed with ethacrynic acid (10.1016/S0969-2126(01)00206-4 )
  • 3KM6: crystal structure of the human gst pi c47s/y108v double mutant in complex with the ethacrynic acid-glutathione conjugate (10.1002/JMR.1040 )
  • 3KMO: crystal structure of the human gst pi c47s/y108v double mutant in complex with the ethacrynic acid-glutathione conjugate (grown in the absence of the reducing agent dtt)
  • 3N9J: structure of human glutathione transferase pi class in complex with ethacraplatin
  • 3HJO: crystal structure of glutathione transferase pi y108v mutant in complex with the glutathione conjugate of ethacrynic acid (10.1002/PRO.253 )
  • 11GS: glutathione s-transferase complexed with ethacrynic acid-glutathione conjugate (form ii) (10.1016/S0014-5793(97)01424-5 )
  • 3DGQ: crystal structure of the glutathione transferase pi enzyme in complex with the bifunctional inhibitor, etharapta (10.1002/ANIE.200900185 )
  • 2GSS: human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 in complex with ethacrynic acid (10.1021/BI962316I )
  • 3GSS: human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 in complex with ethacrynic acid- glutathione conjugate (10.1021/BI962316I )