The first public molecular recognition database, BindingDB supports research, education and practice in drug discovery, pharmacology and related fields.

BindingDB contains 2.9M data for 1.3M Compounds and 9.3K Targets. Of those, 1,388K data for 649K Compounds and 4.5K Targets were curated by BindingDB curators. BindingDB is a FAIRsharing resource.

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6 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Synthesis, biological evaluation, and docking studies of gigantol analogs as calmodulin inhibitors.EBI
Universidad Nacional Aut£Noma De M£Xico
Vasorelaxant effect of flavonoids through calmodulin inhibition: Ex vivo, in vitro, and in silico approaches.EBI
Universidad Aut£Noma Del Estado De Morelos
Calmodulin inhibitors from the fungus Emericella sp.EBI
Universidad Nacional AutóNoma De MéXico
Interaction of antagonists with calmodulin: insights from molecular dynamics simulations.EBI
Semmelweis University
Phenothiazine derivatives and uses thereofBDB
Camp4 Therapeutics
Enhanced ligand affinity for receptors in which components of the binding site are independently mobile.BDB
University of Sheffield