BDBM142394 US8933221, 4
SMILES NC1=N[C@]2(CO[C@@H](CF)C[C@H]2CS1)c1ccc(F)cc1F
Activity Spreadsheet -- Enzyme Inhibition Constant Data from BindingDB
Found 6 hits for monomerid = 142394
Affinity DataIC50: 1.39E+3nMAssay Description:Beta-secretase (BACE) is one of the enzymes involved in the generation of the amyloid beta peptide found in the amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's Diseas...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 61nMAssay Description:Inhibition of BACE1 in human H4 cells overexpressing APP695 assessed as sAPPbeta level after 18 hrs by ELISAMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 61nMAssay Description:Inhibition of BACE1 (unknown origin) using Biotin-GLTNIKTEEISEISYEVEFR-C[oregon green]KK-OH substrate assessed as fluorescence polarization by cell f...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.07E+3nMAssay Description:Inhibition of BACE1 (unknown origin) using biotin-GLTNIKTEEISEISYEVEFR-C[Oregon Green]KK-OH as substrate after 3 hrs by fluorescence polarization ass...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.07E+3nMAssay Description:Inhibition of BACE1 in human H4 cells overexpressing wild type human APP695 assessed as colorimetric reaction by Whole cell assayMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: >8.10E+4nMAssay Description:Inhibition of CatD (unknown origin) by fluorescence polarization assayMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair