Assay Method Information

Assay Name:  CSNK1A1 Assay 2
Description:  CSNK1A1-inhibitory activity of compounds of the present invention in presence of 1 μM adenosine-tri-phosphate (ATP) was quantified employing the CSNK1A1 assay as described in the following paragraphs. In essence, the enzyme activity is measured by quantification of the adenosine-di-phosphate (ADP), which is generated as a co-product of the enzyme reaction, via the ADP-Glo Kinase Assay kit from the company Promega. This detection system works as follows: In a first step the ATP not consumed in the kinase reaction is quantitatively converted to cAMP employing an adenylate cyclase ( ADP-Glo-reagent ), then the adenylate cyclase is stopped and the ADP generated in the kinase reaction converted to ATP which generates in a luciferase-based reaction a glow-luminescence signal ( Kinase Detection Reagent ). Recombinant fusion protein of N-terminal Glutathion-S-Transferase (GST) and full-length human CSNK1A1, expressed by baculovirus infected insect cells and purified via Glutathion affinity chromatography, was purchased from Life Technologies (product no. PV4174) and used as enzyme. As substrate for the kinase reaction the biotinylated peptide biotin-Ahx-KRRRAL-pS-VASLPGL (C-terminus in amide form) was used which can be purchased e.g. from the company Biosyntan (Berlin-Buch, Germany).For the assay 50 nl of a 100 fold concentrated solution of the test compound in DMSO was pipetted into a white 1536-well microtiter plate (Greiner Bio-One, Frickenhausen, Germany), 2 μL of a solution of CSNK1A1 in aqueous assay buffer [50 mM HEPES pH 7.5, 10% (v/v) glycerol, 10 mM MgCl2, 50 mM NaCl, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 0.01% (w/v) bovine serum albumin, 0.01% (v/v) Triton X-100] were added and the mixture was incubated for 15 min at 22 C. to allow pre-binding of the test compounds to the enzyme before the start of the kinase reaction. Then the kinase reaction was started by the addition of 3 μL of a solution of ATP (1.67 μM=>final conc. in the 5 μL assay volume is 1 μM) and peptide substrate (50 μM=>final conc. in the 5 μL assay volume is 30 μM) in assay buffer and the resulting mixture was incubated for a reaction time of 30 min at 22 C. The concentration of CSNK1A1 was adjusted depending of the activity of the enzyme lot and was chosen appropriate to have the assay in the linear range, a typical concentrations are about 0.0375 ng/μL.
Affinity data for this assay

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