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21 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
New 4-Functionalized Glutamate Analogues Are Selective Agonists at Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Subtype 2 or Selective Agonists at Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Group III.EBI
University of Copenhagen
Preliminary investigation of 6,7-dihydropyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrazin-4-one derivatives as a novel series of mGlu5 receptor positive allosteric modulators with efficacy in preclinical models of schizophrenia.EBI
Janssen Pharmaceutica
Synthesis and studies on the mGluR agonist activity of FAP4 stereoisomers.EBI
Univ. Rouen
Tetrahydronaphthyridine and dihydronaphthyridinone ethers as positive allosteric modulators of the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5).EBI
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Design and synthesis of systemically active metabotropic glutamate subtype-2 and -3 (mGlu2/3) receptor positive allosteric modulators (PAMs): pharmacological characterization and assessment in a rat model of cocaine dependence.EBI
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
Orally active metabotropic glutamate subtype 2 receptor positive allosteric modulators: structure-activity relationships and assessment in a rat model of nicotine dependence.EBI
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
A virtual screening hit reveals new possibilities for developing group III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists.EBI
Universite Paris Descartes
Synthesis and preliminary pharmacological evaluation of the four stereoisomers of (2S)-2-(2'-phosphono-3'-phenylcyclopropyl)glycine, the first class of 3'-substituted trans C1'-2'-2-(2'-phosphonocyclopropyl)glycines.EBI
University of Perugia
Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of (2S,1'R,2'S)- and (2S,1'S,2'R)-2-(2'-phosphonocyclopropyl)glycines, two novel conformationally constrained l-AP4 analogues.EBI
University of Perugia
(S)-homo-AMPA, a specific agonist at the mGlu6 subtype of metabotropic glutamic acid receptors.EBI
Royal Danish School of Pharmacy
Metabotropic glutamate receptors: novel targets for drug development.EBI
Cns Research
Synthesis of N(1)-substituted analogues of (2R,4R)-4-amino-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid as agonists, partial agonists, and antagonists of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors.EBI
Georgetown University Medical Center
Synthesis and biological activity of cyclic analogues of MPPG and MCPG as metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonistsEBI
Synthesis, molecular modeling, and biology of the 1-benzyl derivative of APDC-an apparent mGluR6 selective ligandEBI
L-(+)-2-Amino-4-thiophosphonobutyric acid (L-thioAP4), a new potent agonist of group III metabotropic glutamate receptors: increased distal acidity affords enhanced potency.EBI
Design and synthesis of APTCs (aminopyrrolidinetricarboxylic acids): identification of a new group III metabotropic glutamate receptor selective agonist.EBI
Faust Pharmaceuticals
Synthesis, in vitro pharmacology, structure-activity relationships, and pharmacokinetics of 3-alkoxy-2-amino-6-fluorobicyclo[3.1.0]hexane-2,6-dicarboxylic acid derivatives as potent and selective group II metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists.EBI
Taisho Pharmaceutical
(2S,1'S,2'R,3'R)-2-(2'-Carboxy-3'-hydroxymethylcyclopropyl) glycine is a highly potent group 2 and 3 metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist with oral activity.EBI
Eli Lilly
alpha-substituted quisqualic acid analogs: new metabotropic glutamate receptor group II selective antagonists.EBI
Georgetown University Medical Center
Hypophosphorous acid derivatives having antihyperalgic activity and biological applications thereofBDB
Universite Paris Descartes
L-homocysteine sulfinic acid and other acidic homocysteine derivatives are potent and selective metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists.BDB
Case Western Reserve University